close up of woman's mouth wearing clear dental aligner

What Exactly Is Invisalign, and How Does It Work?

Invisalign is popularly billed as “the clear alternative to braces.” Nearly invisible, this removable treatment option only needs to be worn for 20 to 22 hours per day, or as directed. Invisalign can be an excellent choice for adults as well as teens, yet many people are unsure exactly what to expect. Here is an overview of what Invisalign is, …

page from Men's Health magazine discussing age-related medical treatments with tech

Dr. Jennifer Stachel Featured in Men’s Health

Jennifer Stachel Orthodontics’s own Jennifer Stachel, D.M.D. was featured in the December 2017 issue of Men’s Health for her expertise about laser teeth whitening. In an article titled “Turn Back Time with Tech: Defy Age with These Cutting-edge Non Surgical Treatments.” In the article, she is quoted describing how at-home bleaching products may work, but take too long to see …

three teen girls sitting together, smiling

Invisalign Teen vs Traditional Braces

Orthodontists considered traditional braces the treatment of choice for centuries.Today, there is a more aesthetic option called Invisalign. It is known as “the clear alternative to braces”. Invisalign is highly popular today and can treat most cases as well as braces if not better. Unless your orthodontist has a specific reason for you to use one or the other, you …

Smile Direct Club

Is Smile Direct Club Right For You?

Smile Direct Club is a wonderful way to straighten your teeth. It costs less than other similar options such as Invisalign or Clear Correct, and you don’t even need to visit the dentist! However, like any other dental treatment option, it is not right for everyone. At Jennifer Stachel Orthodontics in NYC, we provide a complimentary consultation to help you …

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